Journalist, she started writing for the independent association of journalists “Lettera22” becoming a partner since 2011. She has collaborated with the Italian newspapers Il Manifesto, la Repubblica, Agi, the Espresso Group, TgLa7, RadioTre, Radio Popolare, il Messaggero, ItaliaOggi , Earth, The New Ecology. Author of the H2O and Pianeta2030 podcasts on the climate crisis, she is one of the authors of the book “A Oriente del Califfo” published by Rosenberg & Sellier. In 2011 with Andrea Battistuzzi she founded Next New Media. She is a professor of publishing and ecological crisis at the Journalism School of the Lelio & Lisli Basso Foundation in Rome, at the Masters in Institutional Communication at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and at the Sole24Ore Business School.

Journalist. He started as a RAI employee at the age of 19 and then as a journalist since 2005. He has written for Corriere della Sera, Il Foglio, ItaliaOggi, Apcom and LibroAperto, among others. He worked for two years in the New York editorial office of Sole24Ore. In 2009 he won the “Amerigo” journalistic prize awarded by the US diplomatic network in Italy. He wrote as a geopolitical expert for the weekly Diario and worked in the multimedia editorial staff of the news agency Askanews. Founding member and chief executive of Next New Media since 2011. He is a teacher and member of the board of directors of the Lelio & Lisli Basso School of Journalism in Rome.

Photographer, head of the technical area. At the university he studied international cooperation. He made his first photographic reportage in Nicaragua in 2000. He was nominated for the World Press Photo for the photographic reportage of “Insidecarceri”, the first Italian WebDoc-investigation on the living conditions in the Italian prisons. Among other things, he coordinates the motion graphics work of the agency and the streaming direction. Specialized in the photography of works of art, he collaborates with the superintendencies to document the restoration work of cultural and architectural heritage in Italy.

Visual effects compositor. Graduated in Arts and Sciences of Digital Entertainment at La Sapienza and in VFX at the School of Cinema Gian Maria Volonté. He has worked in post-production of cinema and TV directly taking care of the visual effects of many Rai and Mediaset series and fiction. He collaborates with Next New Media in the creation of Motion Graphics video and as a director for live streaming broadcasts. Meanwhile, he trains to become Street Fighter World Champion.

He started working as a photographer in 1992 in the news in Milan. Since 1994 he has been following the wars in the Balkans for almost a decade, telling that part of Europe on Epoca, Espresso, Sette and the main Italian newspapers. From 1996 to 2016 he was part of the staff of photographers of the Contrasto agency, with whom he covered the most important national and international current events. Over the years he has published on Time, Newsweek, Stern and Der Spiegel among others. In love with photographic tools, he has over the years extended his passion to the world of video by dedicating himself to editing, and directing independent documentaries. With Next he takes care of the video production of documentaries, reportages and studio shots.

Visual effects compositor. Graduated in Arts and Sciences of Digital Entertainment at La Sapienza and in VFX at the School of Cinema Gian Maria Volonté. He has worked in post-production of cinema and TV directly taking care of the visual effects of many Rai and Mediaset series and fiction. He collaborates with Next New Media in the creation of Motion Graphics video and as a director for live streaming broadcasts. Meanwhile, he trains to become Street Fighter World Champion.

He trained in Rome at the International Theater School. He divides himself between theater, television and cinema, both in front of the camera and behind as acting coach even on large cinema productions. Thanks to his naturalness in acting in English, he has also worked in international productions.
Passionate about writing, he won an award for best dramaturgy at the Teatro della Cometa in Rome and wrote and performed the successful dark-comedy “Dog Life – The last bet” which delves into the microcosm of betting parlors and ludopathy. He conceived, wrote and voiced several information campaigns.
He has acted, among others, in works such as “The Hidden Color of Things” by Silvio Soldini and “On My Skin” by Alessio Cremonini. Recently he played the role of Umberto in the remake of “This is Us”, “Noi” broadcasted on Rai 1.

Research fellow and lecturer at the University of Bologna in the Department of Iberistics, in 2011 she dealt with pre-Columbian and colonial Mesoamerica with particular attention to the performing arts of the Amerindian peoples before and after the conquest. She lived between Bologna, Barcelona and Argentina for about seven years, before moving to Mexico and finally to Rome where she has lived for a couple of decades and where she has transformed her acting interests into his main activity.
Speaker for audio-video productions, commercials and audio books (twenty-six titles currently to her credit for Audible and Storytel), actress, collaborates with Next New Media since 2019.

Journalist. In 2012 he worked for two years as area manager and editor-in-chief of the geopolitical magazine Meridiani-Altitude, mainly dealing with US foreign policy. He followed the 2012 US elections by curating a special report from the Robert Kennedy Institute in Florence. He has written for several newspapers including Treccani – dealing with issues of geopolitics and transatlantic relations – and Vice News, covering military security issues. He follows the Nato activities in Italy and Europe. He went to Latvia to see closely how the Baltics are experiencing the war in Ukraine. On the nightstand he has the biography of Colin Powell.